Home and School Information

Home and School News, December, 2024

🍎 Extra Mile Award
The PEI Home and School Federation presents awards of recognition to deserving individuals who work and volunteer for the benefit of children and youth in PEI’s school communities. Nominate a deserving school staff individual for recognition by Jan. 17, 2025. Find details at: https://peihsf.ca/awards/

🍎 How to affect change in P.E.I.’s School System
Resolutions are developed around issues that can affect positive change in our school system for all students’ benefit. Your Home and School’s resolutions will be considered at the 2025 AGM & Convention on Saturday, April 12. Deadline to submit resolutions: Jan. 31.  Call the Federation office for assistance with writing resolutions.  How to Write & Present a Resolution /  Fillable pdf Resolution Form

🍎 School Staff Appreciation Week 2025
School staff celebration, the week of February 10-14. Set up a committee to brainstorm plans for thanking school staff for the contributions they make to our children and their education. Keep plans simple! 

🍎 President/Co-Chair Annual Reports 2024-2025
Presidents/Co-Chairs are reminded that their annual reports are due by February 21. Document monthly activities (1-2 pages) from September through June of this school year. You can write free style or use this Google Form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gBJzforEMMC5BJp9jrr56NPc9FECgJDtKMVe0Vzh42k/edit?pli=1

🍎 Federation Board Nominations
Leading up to the AGM, the PEI Home and School Federation will be seeking nominations for Secretary, Treasurer and Directors for Bluefield, Kensington, Souris, Three Oaks and Westisle families of schools; all are two-year term positions. https://peihsf.ca/agm/  Contact: peihsf@gov.pe.ca or 902-620-3186.

Other Community News

*** SPELLING BEE COMPETITION = REGISTER your child for PEI Competition

Register your child for the P.E.I. Spelling Bee of Canada Competition on April 5, 2025. 

Parents/guardians can register students at www.spellingbeeofcanada.ca/registration

First Place Winner from each category will be eligible to participate in the Championship Competition in person in Toronto on May 25-26, 2025. High school students 15+ can train as a Coach. For more info, e-mail Alanna at: coordinator.pei@spellingbeeofcanada.ca

***International Volunteer Day is on December 5
It’s a day that recognizes the efforts of volunteers in transforming their societies, economies, and environment.  https://nationaltoday.com/international-volunteer-day/

Home and School Newsletter, November, 2024

🍎 FREE Home & School Leadership Training - Sign up by Nov. 1st

The Federation hosts two Home & School Leadership Training Workshops annually which are designed to improve Home & School volunteers’ effectiveness and parent engagement in public education. Sessions open to any Home & School executive & other school volunteers -- parent, teacher and student.

Monday, Nov. 4, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Ellerslie Elementary School

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Eliot River Elementary School

SIGN-UP by Nov. 1st to  ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca or 902-620-3186.  FREE.  Refreshments provided.

Thank you for Ellerslie and Eliot River Home and Schools for hosting the workshops.

🍎 Reminder to pay 2024-2025 Membership Fees

PEI Home and School Association membership fees are due: Nov. 1.  Remind Treasurers that they can pay fees by e-transfer to peihsf@gov.pe.ca or mail cheques to the Federation office.

🍎  School Crossing Guard Award

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation Awards Programme recognizes deserving individuals (crossing guards, school bus drivers, school staff, and volunteers) in P.E.I.'s school communities. The first of our awards in the 2024-25 school year is the Crossing Guard Award. The nomination package for the Crossing Guard Award is due in the Federation office on Nov. 8.

What is the process?  Your Home and School can show appreciation for a school crossing guard by nominating the individual for a recognition award. Associations discuss and approve nominating individuals, request support letters, and submit nomination packages to the federation office by the deadline.

The package will include the Home and School president's cover letter and support letters from others in your school community, including the principal, other teachers, parents, and students. Tip: Young students can draw a picture of their crossing guard. If you have questions, contact the Federation office about its awards program at 902-620-3186. You will find the nomination form at https://peihsf.ca/awards/  

🍎 Parent Leadership Grants

The Federation’s Parent Leadership Project grants for up to $500 are available to Home and School Associations. Projects are to focus on Parents and their leadership and engagement in school communities.  Click here for Application. For more information, contact: peihsf@gov.pe.ca / 902-620-3186. Submission deadline Nov. 8th.

🍎 What’s on your Home and School meeting’s agenda?
1. Ask the principal for a school report.
2. Inquire about integrated inquiry-based curriculum, Gr. 5 pilot.

3. Invite a PSB staff person to talk about the recent PSB school study review.
4. Involve everyone around the meeting table. List committees and ways for volunteers to help.
5. Motions are required for all financial decisions; use basic parliamentary procedures.

6. Sign up for Home and School Volunteer Leadership Training workshops coming up on the Nov. 4th (Ellerslie School) or Nov. 5th (Eliot River School)

🍎 Effecting Change through Resolutions

It is useful and practical to effect change by using a formal resolution writing process. Home and School Associations are asked to consider presenting an issue in education that is affecting the learning success of students to influence change at the provincial level. For your reference, follow this link to Federation approved resolutions  https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/  More on this topic in the December newsletter.  The 2025 Resolution submission deadline: Jan. 31.

More school community news

Dyslexia - Parents and Kids Info Night - Nov. 7th, 6:00 PM at BDC Place, 119 Kent St., Suite 510, 5th Floor, Charlottetown. Alicia Smith, Dyslexia Canada, will present new resources and help with connections with parents, supports and encouragement. Register by Nov. 5 to tammynorden@gmail.com

Donagh Regional School, Craft Fair - Nov 16th, 9 AM-3 pm & Nov 17th, 12 - 4 pm. Over 80 tables, Raffles, 50/50, and fudge sale! Entrance is by donation and all monies raised goes towards phase 3 of the playground upgrades! Contact: annamariearsenault@gmail.com

Bluefield High School Christmas Craft Fair Nov. 15th, 5:30–9:00 pm & Nov. 16th, 10 am â€“ 5 pm. Over 100 vendors: decorations, pottery, fibre arts, candles, jewelry, bake sale, canteen with hot cider, door prizes and raffles.  Bluefield Band students will be selling $25 vouchers for poinsettias...buyers will pick up at VK Greenhouses, Charlottetown or purchase poinsettias online at:  https://www.vankampens.ca/pages/bluefield-high-school-band-trip   Admission is 3$ / Children under 12 are free.

~ Are you a school food volunteer? Your non-profit organization is required to have at least one organizer or volunteer present during food preparation who has completed the Food Safety Training or has a Certificate of Attendance from the Volunteer Food Safety Presentation offered by Environmental Health. Register for a FREE presentation at: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/volunteer-food-safety-presentations. Note: May be cancelled if the minimum # of participants has not been reached.

Home and School News, October 2024

🍎 Register for Semi-Annual Meeting

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation's Semi-Annual Meeting will be held on Mon., Oct. 21, 2024,

6–8 pm at Central Queens Elementary School, Hunter River. Topics & Speakers are:

   * Cody Davenport, COMPASS program surveys grades 7-12 students; will share survey results
     and plans for the 2024-2025 school year.

   * Courtney Shaffer, Inspector = What are Food Safety guidelines/supports for school food programs?

   *Samantha Dougay, Dietitian = What's in a healthy breakfast menu?

   * Heather Walker, Spring Park = This is how our breakfast program works. 

   *David Schult for Sterling Carruthers = Education and Early Years funding for school breakfast and snack programs

·         Parents, educators, and students in your school community are welcome!

·         Invite your school's breakfast program volunteers!

REGISTER by Oct. 16/24 at: https://forms.gle/tbamHFKUu8ebi4fv9

🍎 Training Workshops for Volunteers

Vicki Bryanton and Stephen Gould will lead Home and School Training Workshops as follows:

Nov. 4 – Ellerslie Consolidated School, 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Nov. 5 – Eliot River Elementary School, 6:30 – 8:00 pm

Guidance for executive positions (i.e., President, Co/Vice President, Secretary); Bookkeeping tips for Treasurers and general information for all volunteers.

No cost. Register by emailing peihsf@gov.pe.ca or call 902-620-3186 by Oct. 30.

🍎 Crossing Guard Recognition Award
Awards recognize deserving individuals in school communities. The P.E.I. Home and School Federation Crossing Guard Award celebrates individuals who help keep students safe every school day.  Nominations are due Nov. 1.  Find the application at: https://peihsf.ca/Crossing-Guard-Award.

🍎 Parent Leadership Grants
Funds available for up to $500 for Home and Schools to organize parent educational information sessions. Invite speakers to address topics of interest to your school community (i.e., Mental Wellness, Student Well Being Teams, Cyberbullying Awareness, School Food Programs, Proper Use of Cell Phones). Submission deadline: Nov. 8. PL Grant online: https://peihsf.ca/grants/

🍎 PSB Public meetings: Charlottetown Family of Schools study

The Board of Trustees is now engaging with the Charlottetown school community and stakeholders to receive feedback on the recommendations contained in the report. To review the report, visit the Public Schools Branch's website. Share your feedback by emailing psb-schoolreview@edu.pe.ca using "Charlottetown Family of Schools" in the subject line by Oct. 18/24. Share input by attending a public meeting: Oct. 1, 6:30 pm, Spring Park Elementary; Oct. 8, 2024, 6:30 pm, Charlottetown Rural High School; Oct. 10, 2024, 6:30 pm, Birchwood Intermediate School.

🍎 PEI’s Auditor General’s Report: Healthiness of Food in Schools, Sept. 18/24

 đŸŽ Education and Economic Development: Public Schools Branch
      Staffing Presentation, Sept. 19/24

Home & School News, September, 2024

🍎 Drive slowly! Watch for students on the road

Another school year begins Sept. 5. Students will walk, cycle, or ride to school on a bus or in their family cars. This is a strategic time to remind all motorists that children can get to school and back home safely with awareness and education. Which school does your child attend?  Can they ride a bus? Find out more on the Public Schools Branch’s School Bus Planner.

🍎 Update your Local Home and School Contacts
Are you still the President? Treasurer?  If not, send current contact info to the Federation office.             Presidents - Submit the local Home & School Association contact details using the new Google Form. Click here: Home and School Association Contacts.    Treasurers - Submit 2024-2025 Membership fees to the PEIHSF office by November 1st.  Send e-transfers to peihsf@gov.pe.ca  OR  mail a cheque to PEIHSF PO Box 1012 Charlottetown PE C1A 7M4

🍎 "Meet the Teacher"

"Meet the Teacher" evening sessions are planned for parents to meet their child's teacher and teachers to meet parents at the beginning of the school year. It's an informal opportunity to chat, say hi, and become acquainted with your child's teacher.  Find the date/time on your child's school website.

🍎 What is Home and School's role in education? Is there volunteer training available?

Experienced facilitators Vicki Bryanton and Stephen Gould will lead Volunteer Training Workshops as follows:

Monday, Nov. 4, Ellerslie Elementary School, 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Nov. 5, Eliot River Elementary School, 6:30 p.m.

Register by email:  ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca    By:  November 1st/2024

These sessions will equip you with practical knowledge of how volunteers can effectively collaborate with school staff and support their school, benefiting all students! 

🍎 What's on your Home and School agenda? 

·         Meet with the principal in September and discuss setting goals for the 2024-2025 school year.

·         PEI Dept. of Education’s updated Cell Phone Use Policy -https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/md_2024-06_responsible_use_agreement_cit.pdf

·         Inclusive Education Model Background Report completed November 2023: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/better_together_report.pdf 

·         Inclusive Education Action Plan: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/inclusive_education_action_plan_en.pdf

·         Brainstorm collaborative ways to support the school

·         Circulate PEI Home and School Federation monthly news articles

·         Inform parents about provincial announcements applicable to student learning and supports

·         Establish a purpose for fundraising initiatives. Finalize with a Motion and Vote to approve. Is there a need to fundraise this year?

REMEMBER: Everything parents and teachers do benefits PEI students' education and well-being! 

Home and School News - June 2024

1.         Local Home & School Elections

June is a busy month for our Home and School community as we prepare for the new school year in September. It's the perfect time to hold your election of officers, allowing new executive members ample time to prepare. We encourage you to establish a nomination committee to seek out new representatives and invite new families to volunteer in the school. Participation helps everyone feel a sense of belonging and is invaluable in shaping our school community. If you need any guidance or support, please don't hesitate to contact the Federation office at 902-620-3186 / ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca.

2.         Congratulations to Provincial Heritage students! 

In recognition of students' excellent work, the PEI Home and School Federation Heritage Fair specialty prizes. Congratulations to:

~ Mary Albert "One Room School House," West Royalty Elementary School

~ Arina Makelska and Amalia Barbosa "Moving to PEI," Sherwood Elementary School

3.         Nicotine Pouches Fact Sheet

As part of our ongoing commitment to student health and safety, we want to draw your attention to a growing concern. In recent months, there has been an increase in student experimentation and use of nicotine pouches. To address this, the Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) has compiled a comprehensive 'Nicotine Pouches Fact Sheet', available at https://peihsf.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/20240423-Nicotine-Pouches-Fact-Sheet-Final_ENG-2.pdf. We urge you to share this vital information within your school communities. If you require print versions of these sheets, please reach out to the government at livewellpei@gov.pe.ca. Together, we can help our students make informed choices about their health.

4.         Guardian Home and School news column

President Shannon Bruyneel writes a monthly column for The Guardian newspaper, published on the first Friday of the month during the school year. The June 7 will be posted at News - PEI Home and School Federation (peihsf.ca) 

5.         Health and Wellness & Chief Public Health Office Wellness Action Plan

·         Families are invited to fill out the LIVE WELL PEI online survey by July 5/2024.
Go to: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/live-well-pei-wellness-action-plan

·         To review the LIVE WELL PEI Consultation Paper, go to: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/health-and-wellness/live-well-pei-wellness-action-plan

6.         Encouraging summer reading is a way to keep children/youth of all ages' minds active during the summer. Here are links to get you started: https://www.facebook.com/PEILibrary  eBooks, Audiobooks & Online Resources | Government of Prince Edward Island  

Home and School News, May 2024

Reminder: Home and Schools can nominate a school bus driver to receive recognition for keeping our children safe as they travel to and from school. Submission date: Friday, May 10, 2024. More at: https://peihsf.ca/school-bus-driver-of-the-year-award/ 

2.        Newly Elected Board
Congratulations to Shannon Bruyneel, the newly elected PEI Home and School Federation president and the incoming 2024-2025 board. Thank you to outgoing president Dionne Tuplin, board reps Matthew McNally and Elina John, and local Home and School delegates and guests for participating in the AGM on April 13. Vacant positions include Bluefield, Colonel Gray, Morell, and Souris. If you want to join the PEIHSF board, contact the Federation office at 902-620-3186 / peihsf@gov.pe.ca for details.

3.        Provincial Science Fair Specialty Awards

The PEI Home and School Federation presented Specialty Awards at the 2024 Provincial Science Fair on April 9. Congratulations to Mariella Walsh, West Royalty, Grade 6, "Which Environment Affects Your Memory the Most?" and Charlotte Beatty, Donagh, Grade 5, "Hey Mold? Whatcha Eatin'?"

4.         Public Schools Branch
The PSB Review of Schools Report for the Charlottetown Family of Schools (Charlottetown Rural and Colonel Gray) is available and can be found at: https://psb.edu.pe.ca/news-updates. PSB Board of Trustees meeting dates will be posted online at https://psb.edu.pe.ca/board-meetings-and-minutes

5.        School Calendar
The Department of Education and Early Years released the 2024-2025 School Calendar on April 17. Find posted at 2023-2024 School Calendar | Government of Prince Edward Island

6.        COMPASS Student Health Results 2023-24
The 2023-2024 COMPASS Student Health Survey results are posted at: (https://www.livewellpei.ca/compass-project-0).

7.         The Guardian Home and School news column

President Shannon Bruyneel's first Home and School column will be published on May 3 and the ensuing first Fridays of the month during the school year. The Guardian columns are posted online at https://peihsf.ca/news/.

Home and School News, April 2024

 1.      Still time to register

Please register your Home and School delegates by April 8 for the P.E.I. Home and School Federation’s Annual General Meeting & Convention. The Rodd Charlottetown Hotel and the Federation office preparations require our total attendance. Here are the details:

AGM Date: Saturday, April 13, 2024

            Time: 08:45 a.m. – 01:30 p.m.

Fee:  $40 per person

Place: Rodd Charlottetown Hotel (75 Kent St. Charlottetown)

***Associations are urged to pay the registration fee, travel, and accommodation costs for their delegates to remove barriers to attending.

Parents, educators and students are welcome to attend with each Home and School asked to designate up to five representatives as your association’s voting delegates.

Register online (https://peihsf.ca/agm/) or call 902-620-3186.

2.       Reminder to review 2024 Resolutions before April 13

Resolutions submitted by local Home and School Associations will be discussed and voted on at the AGM on April 13. Ensure your voting delegates (parents, guardians, educators and students) review these prior to the AGM.  Proposed resolutions include:
2024-1  Request inquiry into the indoor temperature of PEI schools
2024-2  Request PSB policy amendment for extreme hot weather

2024-3  Feasibility study of installing vaping detectors in schools
2024-4  Creation of a policy regarding screen use in primary schools
2024-5  Late resolution: Kindergarten Exemption from Split-Level Classroom Composition

All Resolutions can be viewed online at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/

3.       School Bus Driver Award

School Bus Driver of the Year Award recognizes school bus drivers on P.E.I. for keeping our students safe as they travel to and from school daily. Submit nominations by May 3, 2024.

4.       Solar Eclipse

On April 8 students will be dismissed two hours early due to the solar eclipse. PEI will experience the effects of the eclipse between 3:26 p.m. and 5:44 p.m. “The solar eclipse offers a rare educational occasion, but prioritizing safety is crucial for all of us to fully embrace its wonder. Doing a system wide early dismissal ensures our bus drivers will be off the road before the eclipse begins, and students will be home safely." - Education and Early Years Minister Natalie Jameson. Look up: Solar Eclipse 

5.       Cyberbullying Awareness Day

A private member's bill brought forward by Souris-Elmira MLA Robin Croucher proclaimed April 25, 2024, as Cyberbullying Awareness Day, marking the anniversary of islander Harry Burke's death.



~National Volunteer Week, April 14-20, 2024 is a time to celebrate and thank Canada’s 24 million volunteers.

The theme “Every Moment Matters” highlights the importance of every volunteer and each contribution they make
at a moment when we need support more than ever. 
Let's recognize and celebrate every volunteer and each contribution
they’re making to strengthen inclusivity and wellbeing in our communities. Now more than ever, Every Moment Matters! 
#NVW2024 #EveryMomentMatters

~Virtual LungNSPEI ‘Engaging Youth Stakeholders in Youth Vaping Cessation’ Workshop

April 3, 2024, 10:00-11:30 am! We need your voice and experience to help us better understand the opportunities and

challenges organizations are facing in their work to support youth vaping cessation on P.E.I.  This online workshop is FREE

and open to anyone who works with youth. Please register and you will be sent a link to join the workshop before April 3: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/youth-vaping-cessation-workshop-online-tickets-851673728047?aff=oddtdtcreator  

Home and School News, March 2024

🍎 School Calendar 2024-2025

To help families and school staff plan for the year ahead, the province has released the 2024-2025 school year calendar, which includes 182 instructional days. Find the school calendar online at https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-early-years/2024-2025-school-calendar

🍎 Mark your calendar --- 71st AGM & Conference

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is pleased to announce that its A.G.M. &

Conference 2024 will take place on Saturday, April 13, at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown.

REGISTER online at https://peihsf.ca/agm/ 

By the early registration deadline, March 21.  

Ensure your school is represented.

Speakers will include Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister of Education and Early Years, Hon. Antionette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of P.E.I., and round table experts, who will present on Suicide Prevention, Dept. Education's Inclusion Report, COMPASS 2023-24 Youth Survey

results, What is the role of an E.A.? What is Fundations? and Youth & Sports Nutrition.

🍎 2024 Resolutions

Proposed 2024 resolutions have been circulated to Presidents with directions to discuss these at a Home and School meeting. Use each resolution as a springboard for discussing the topic; then

hold a vote, resolution by resolution, to determine how your school's delegates will vote at the Annual Meeting. Your voting delegates can vote "in favour," "opposed," or they can present amendments. 2024 resolutions are online at https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/ For further information, call 902-620-3186.

🍎 Volunteer Awards

Do you know an amazing Home and School volunteer in your school? You can nominate this person for the Federation's Volunteer of the Year Award. This award recognizes one person annually for their efforts in their local school. Submit nominations to the Federation office by March 8. Find details: https://peihsf.ca/awards/ 

🍎 Board of Directors Nominations

You can allow your name to stand for a provincial Home and School Federation two-year term? Vacant positions include President, Vice President, and Directors for the Charlottetown Rural, Colonel Gray, Kinkora, Montague, and Morell Families of Schools. The Federation is the umbrella organization of Home and Schools across Prince Edward Island and is overseen by a volunteer board elected by delegates at the A.G.M. Members are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates who, in your opinion, have the necessary qualifications to do the work of the provincial Federation. Find the 2024 Nomination Form at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/

🍎 Parental Involvement In children's education, parental involvement is a broad term that can take many forms inside and outside school. So, what role do parents play in education? Depending on schedules, parents can help their children by participating in school functions or obligations, advocating for the school and improving their children's schoolwork. Examples of getting involved at home include helping with homework, modelling desired behavior, providing ongoing encouragement, monitoring homework completion, and creating a time and space for study.

Parents can be more involved in their child's school by:

· Communicating with teachers regularly

· Volunteering for school activities

· Attending parent-teacher interviews

· Helping with the governance of a Home and School

🍎 Great Big CrunchGet your apples đŸŽ or other crunchy fruit or vegetable ready to crunch LOUD! On March 7, thousands will gather in person at their school, at work, and online with students, friends, and colleagues to highlight the importance of eating healthy food at school. You are invited to host a crunch in your school or workplace OR join the Virtual Great Big Crunch at 1:00 pm E.S.T. Register for the event here. Crunch to celebrate healthy school food. Find more info at: https://www.healthyschoolfood.ca/great-big-crunch

🍎 Youth Vaping Workshop Opportunity on March 13 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the Charlottetown Library. This session is open to parents/staff who work with youth. Participants will gain knowledge from local findings, share their own experiences, discuss opportunities to reduce youth vaping, and learn about mental health and addiction connections. Sign up at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/youth-vaping-cessation-workshop-charlottetown-evening-tickets-816837863037.

Home and School News, February 2024

🍎  Presidents’ Annual Reports 

President's Annual Reports are due February 29. All reports will be included in the 71st Annual Book of Reports. Include activities for this school year, starting in Sept. through to the end of June. You can get tips on how to write your report by reading other reports in last year’s 2023 Book of Reports at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/.  Use a blog format by listing each month and related activities in bullet form. Use the Federation’s new President's Annual Report 2024 Google Form If you need help, contact the office peihsf@gov.pe.ca / 902-620-3186

🍎  Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week 

Celebrate Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week, February 12-16, 2024. Home and School Associations plan ways to thank school staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation week. Start now. Brainstorm ideas to thank school staff.

🍎  Home and School Volunteer Awards

The Federation’s Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes one volunteer's significant contributions to helping volunteers in their local school communities. The Life Member acknowledges service to the provincial Federation. Associations may nominate Home and School volunteers for these awards by the deadline: March. 3. Criteria and Form are online at: https://peihsf.ca/awards/ 

🍎  SAVE THE DATE: April 13, 2024

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation's Annual General Meeting will be on April 13, 2024, at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. The Federation office will mail the AGM package to presidents and information will be posted at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/ Plan to register 2-5 delegates to represent your school.

~Pink Shirt Day Canada 2024 is on February 28th Let’s work together to end bullying and spread kindness!  A new Pink Shirt Project for high schools urges youth to create a kindness inspired project for their school or community. Students conceive of and implement their very own ideas for spreading good! For more information go to: https://pinkshirtdaycanada.ca/  

🍎  2024 Extra Mile Awards for Teachers/Staff 

Local Home and School Associations can consider nominating a school teacher/staff person for going the "extra mile" for students. The Federation is accepting nominations until Jan. 19, 2024. Find criteria and application at:  https://peihsf.ca/extra-mile-award/ 

🍎  Resolutions impact change 

The Federation supports equal opportunity for all students and promotes this by passing pertinent resolutions at annual meetings. Resolutions are the single most important tool that Home and School can use to influence decision-makers in government and school boards. Approved resolutions are forwarded to decision-makers who can make changes for the benefit of all island students. Guidelines on how to write and present a resolution and examples of previously passed resolutions are available at www.peihsf.ca/resolutions. Discuss topics with local association parents and teachers and consider submitting a resolution. Deadline to submit resolutions is Jan. 31, 2024, 

🍎  Annual Reports 

Presidents/Co-Chairs are asked to submit your 2023-2024 Annual Reports to the Federation by Feb. 29. Annual reports are compiled in the Federation’s Book of Reports posted at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/.  

🍎  2024 School Staff Appreciation Week, February 12-16 

School Staff Appreciation Week is an opportunity for parents and students to recognize the dedication and hard work of school staff: teachers, administrative support, educational assistants, and custodians. Set up a small committee to brainstorm ways the school community can thank school staff. Keep plans simple! 

🍎  2024 Annual General Meeting Notice

Book your calendars! The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation will hold its 71st Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, April 13, 2024.  All member Home and School Associations are invited to attend the AGM. Each Association is invited to designate five of your school’s attendees as voting delegates. Registration details will be posted in February at: http://peihsf.ca/agm 

Dionne Tuplin, PEI Home and School Federation president writes a monthly column for The Guardian. Her January 2024 news column will be published in The Guardian and posted at: https://peihsf.ca/news/ on Friday, Jan. 5.

🍎 Affecting Change in PEI’s School System Resolutions are developed around issues that can affect positive change in our school system for all students’ benefit. Your Home and School’s resolutions will be considered at the 71st Annual Meeting & Convention on April 13, 2024. Assistance with writing resolutions is available.  

Deadline to submit resolutions: Jan. 31, 2024

More at: https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/  /  How to Write & Present a Resolution /  Fillable pdf Resolution Form

🍎 School Staff Appreciation Week 2024 School staff celebration, the week of February 12-16. Your staff appreciation committee can begin now to make safe plans for thanking school staff for the contributions they make to our children and their education. Keep plans simple!  A little appreciation goes a long way!

🍎 President/Co-Chair Annual Reports 2023-2024 Presidents/Co-Chairs Annual Reports are due Feb. 29. To help you get started, we suggest that you record each month’s activities in a bulleted form list,  beginning in September. Add what will be happening to finish out the school year, March to June. Collectively, you are writing the history of Home and School in Prince Edward Island.  If you need help, contact us at: 902-620-3186 / peihsf@gov.pe.ca. And, we have a google form to help. Go to:


🍎 Save the date
AGM, April 13, 2024

Book your calendars to attend the .P.E.I Home and School Federation’s 71st Annual General Meeting, Saturday, April 13, Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown. More details to come. 🍎 Federation Board Nominations Leading up to the AGM, the PEI Home and School Federation will be seeking nominations for President, Vice President and Directors for Charlottetown Rural, Colonel Gray, Kinkora, Montague and Morell families of schools; all are two-year term positions. For more info, contact the Federation office peihsf@gov.pe.ca / 902-620-3186.


🍎 ADD this to your agenda
 1.  Social Emotional Learning - Ask a teacher to talk about SEL 2.  COMPASS survey - Ask your principal for a brief overview 3.  AI Chatbots - Ask a tech-skilled parent or staff person to talk about keeping up with AI technology in the home and the school.

Other Community News

🍎 International Volunteer Day is on December 5, annually It’s a day that recognizes the efforts of volunteers in transforming their societies, economies, and environment.  https://nationaltoday.com/international-volunteer-day/

🍎 PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND SPELLING BEE REGISTRATION The P.E.I. Chapter Spelling Bee Competitions will take place in person in PEI on April 20, 2024.  Every child will receive a participation certificate. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers in each age category will receive cash prizes and trophies. The 1st place winner from each category will be eligible to participate in the Championship Competition in person in Toronto on May 26, 2024.  Parents/guardians can register for the 2023-2024 Spelling Bee Competition at www.spellingbeeofcanada.ca/registration.  All High school students 15 years and older are invited to be trained to be a Coach, Mentor or Tutor and gain community hours, while helping to make a difference in a child’s life. They can email coordinator.pei@spellingbeeofcanada.ca for more information. 

Note: Send community notices for next month's news by Dec. 18 to: ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca

Best wishes of the holiday season to you and your family!

Home and School News - June, 2023

1.    Hold Elections in June

June is an excellent time to hold Home and School Association election of officers to allow your new Home and School Association's executive time to prepare for the new school year in September. Those who have completed their terms, should ask another parent or teacher rep to fill in their place. Invite parents having children in K-3 to volunteer. If you need guidance, contact the Federation office at 902-620-3186 / ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca 

2.    Congratulations Provincial Heritage and Science Fair students! 

In recognition of students' excellent work, the PEI Home and School Federation awards specialty prizes in the PEI’s Heritage and Science Fairs. Congratulations to:

Science Fair winners: 

  • Will Pop really rot my teeth? Isaac Ramsay, Bloomfield Elementary
  • Should you trust the 5-second rule? Amelia Hayward, Cardigan Consolidated

Heritage Fair winners:

  • Haven McCormack, The McCormack Roots Gr. 9, Belfast Consolidated
  • Henry Etchell, Doucet House Descendant Gr. 6, L.M. Montgomery Elementary

3.    Parent Engagement Project Reports

Reports for completed Home and School Parent Engagement Projects are due in the Federation office on May 31. Contact the office, if you require more information at ssmedleyjay@gov.pe.ca 

4.    School Calendar 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 school calendar is posted online at: 


5. â€‚  Public Schools Branch Board of Trustees

The Public Schools Branch Board of Trustees will hold a public meeting on Monday, June 5, at 7:30 p.m. at Queen Charlotte Intermediate School. Find the agenda and minutes on the PSB website at: https://psb.edu.pe.ca/board-meetings-and-minutes

6.    Guardian Home and School news column

PEI Home and School Federation president, Dionne Tuplin, writes a monthly column for The Guardian newspaper, published on the first Friday of the month during the school year. The June article will be posted on June 2 at News - PEI Home and School Federation (peihsf.ca) 

7.    Learning continues over the summer months

Encouraging summer reading is a way to keep your child's mind active over the summer. Your library card provides you and your child with a plethora of resources.

eBooks, Audiobooks & Online Resources | Government of Prince Edward Island 




8.    2020-21 Canadian Student Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs Survey 

New data released about student substance abuse. Follow this link: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canadian-student-tobacco-alcohol-drugs-survey/2021-2022-summary.html


Home and School News, May 2023 

1.         School Bus Driver Award 

Nominate a school bus driver to receive recognition for keeping our children safe as they travel to and from school from September to June during school year. Submission date: Friday, May 5, 2023 

More at: School Bus Driver of the Year Award - PEI Home and School Federation (peihsf.ca) 

2.         Post-AGM 

Thank you to Local Associations for attending the 70th Annual Meeting & Conference.  The meeting’s slideshows, round table summary, minutes, and resolutions are being posted on our website when finalized. Go to: https://peihsf.ca/agm/  

3.         Public Schools Branch The PSB Review of Schools Study Report is available and can be found under News & Updates at: https://psb.edu.pe.ca/news-updates  

4.         School Trustees Board Meeting 

The Public Schools Branch Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9,  2023, 7:30 p.m. at Montague Regional High, 274 Valleyfield Road, Rte. 326, Lower Montague or via Webex at: PSB Board of Trustees. Any member of the public who wishes to make a presentation to the Board must submit a written request to the Public Schools Branch by 4 p.m. on April 27, 2023 to: sxgauthier@edu.pe.ca. Call 902-368-6850 for additional information or to register to attend. 

5.         School Calendar 

The Department of Education & Early Years released the 2023-2024 School Calendar, April 17. The first school day for students is Sept. 7. More at: 2023-2024 School Calendar | Government of Prince Edward Island 

6.         70th AGM Report

PEI Home and School Federation president, Dionne Tuplin will include an AGM report in May newspaper column to be published on Friday, May 5 and online at: News - PEI Home and School Federation (peihsf.ca) 


Home and School News, April 2023

1.      Is your school registered?

SIGN UP today for the 70th P.E.I. Home and School Federation Annual General Meeting & Convention.

Date/Time: Saturday, April 15, 2023, 8:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Place: Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown

Fee: $40 per person

Each Home and School is asked to send 2-5 representatives to this Milestone A.G.M. Please ensure your school is represented.  REGISTER ONLINE (https://peihsf.ca/agm/) or call 902-620-3186.

2.      AGM Round Table Topics

 Topics: Diversity, Student Well-Being, Home & School Successes/Challenges. 

 Table Resources: Debbie Langston & Andrea Garland, Diversity Consultants

 Elizabeth Kennedy, Student Well-Being Team Lead Consultant

 Sara Fletcher & Tina Cardiff, Family Support Workers, Bluefield & Montague Family of Schools.

Guests: Hon. Antionette Perry, Lt. Governor for P.E.I.; Minister or Deputy Dept. of Education, Federation Past Presidents, and more.

3.       Resolutions

Three resolutions will be considered and voted on at the Annual General Meeting on April 15. Home and Schools are asked to review and vote on the proposed resolutions at your local meeting and select your voting delegates who will attend the A.G.M., voting as directed by their Association. Voting should reflect the opinions of your school's parents, guardians, teachers, and staff.  Find proposed resolutions online at: peihsf.ca/agm

4.      School Bus Driver Award

School Bus Driver of the Year Award recognizes school bus drivers on P.E.I. for keeping our students safe as they travel to and from school daily. Submit nominations by May 5, 2023.

5.      National Volunteer Week, April 2023

Volunteering Weaves us Together! Let's celebrate our individual and collective actions in creating a strong, interconnected, vibrant community! Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community by sharing our time, talent, and energy to support one another.

#NVW2023 #WeavingUSTogether NVW 2023 - National Volunteer Week (NVW) - Campaigns - Volunteer Canada

Home and School News, March 2023 

1.         70th AGM & Conference 

Mark your calendar! The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is pleased to announce that our Knowledge, Collaboration, & Success for the Next Generation A.G.M. & Conference 2023 will take place on Saturday, April 15, at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown. 

REGISTER ONLINE or at https://peihsf.ca/agm  by midnight on March 24, and your name will be entered into the Early Bird Draw for an overnight stay at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel.   


  • Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister of Education and Lifelong Learning   
  • Hon. Antionette Perry, Lieutenant Governor   
  • More speakers from Student Well-Being Teams and the Dept. of Education's new Diversity lead, Debbie Langston 

More info will be posted at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/ or call us at 902-620-3186. 

2.         NEW Annual Report submission deadline - March 10 

To allow more time following the school break, the deadline to submit Annual Reports has been extended to Friday, March 10. Every Home and School Association is asked to submit a report for inclusion in the Federation's annual Book of Reports. Remember! You are writing a piece of the history of Home and School in P.E.I.   Click here to use the NEW President’s Google 2023 Report Form or email a word doc to Kelly at: info@peihsf.ca   

3.         Review Proposed 2023 Resolutions 

Proposed resolutions have been circulated to Presidents. Please discuss these resolutions at your next Home and School meeting. Use each resolution as a springboard for discussing the topic; then hold a vote, resolution by resolution, to determine how your school's delegates will vote at the Annual Meeting. Your voting delegates can vote "in favour," "opposed," or they can present amendments. Review 2023 resolutions online at:  https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/  

4.         Volunteer / Life Membership Awards 

A Home and School volunteer is recognized annually for their efforts in their local school with the Steve McQuaid Volunteer of the Year. In addition, a Life Membership is recognized when deemed appropriate with this person's contributions, locally and provincially.  You are invited to review the awards' criteria and submit nominations by March 9. Awards details at:  https://peihsf.ca/awards/  

5.         Board of Directors Nominations 

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is the umbrella organization of Home and Schools across the island. It is overseen by a volunteer board elected by delegates from member Home and School Associations. Every year at the annual meeting, elections are held for vacant positions on the board, and members are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates who, in your opinion, have the necessary qualifications to do the work of the provincial Federation. You can access the 2023 Nomination Form at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/ 

Home and School News, February 2023 

1. President's Annual Reports  

President's Annual Reports are due February 28. All reports will be included in the 70th Annual Book of Reports. Write about local Home and School activities that have occurred during this school year and to the end of June 2023.  For tips, view the 2022 Book of Reports 


Click here to use the NEW President's Google 2023 Report Form 

2. Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week  

Celebrate Teachers/Staff Appreciation Week, February 13-17, 2023. Home and School Associations plan ways to thank school staff during Teacher/Staff Appreciation week. Start now. Brainstorm ideas to thank school staff. 

3. Volunteer of the Year & Life Member Awards 

Home and School's Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes one volunteer's significant contributions to helping people in their school communities. The Life Member acknowledges service to the provincial Federation. Associations may nominate individuals from your school community for these awards. Submit by the deadline: March 3. Criteria and Form are online at: https://peihsf.ca/awards/  

4. 70th Annual Meeting 

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation's Annual General Meeting will be on April 15, 2023, at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. The Federation office will mail the AGM package to presidents and information will be posted at: https://peihsf.ca/agm/ 

5. 2023 Canada Winter Games/Mid-term Break 

PEI is host to the 2023 Canada Winter Games. Our mid-term school break is combined with the games, February 21-28. The PEI Home and School Federation sends best wishes to the Canada Games team of dedicated volunteers and staff, who will welcome Canada's best athletes and the nation to PEI in 2023. Together, we will celebrate our athletes and share PEI's welcoming community spirit with the rest of Canada.

Other Community News 

KidproofPEI currently offers courses: "At Home Alone+First Aid" (ages 10 yrs+) and Babysitting Training (ages 11 yrs+) with plans to add Bullyproofing and Stranger Smarts courses. Sessions are offered in Summerside and Charlottetown. KidproofPEI is available to do presentations to Local Home and School meetings. Contact: www.kidproofpei.com |  kidproofpei@gmail.com 902-724-2702  

Home and School News, January, 2023 

1.         2023 Extra Mile Awards for Teachers/Staff 

Local Home and School Associations can consider nominating a school teacher/staff person for going the "extra mile" for students. The Federation is accepting nominations until Fri. Jan. 20. Find criteria and application at:  https://peihsf.ca/extra-mile-award/ 

2.         Resolutions are about change 

Do you see a need for change in PEI's education system? The PEI Home and School Federation supports equal opportunity for all students in PEI's education system and promotes this by approving pertinent resolutions at Annual General Meetings and then forwarding these to the appropriate decision-makers who can make changes for the benefit of all island students. Consider important issues that pertain to education, safety, health, and total well-being. Members are encouraged to call the Federation office for assistance and refer to our writing and presenting resolutions guide. You can review the Guide and Federation resolutions at: https://peihsf.ca/resolutions/  2023 resolutions are due in the Federation office by Tues. Jan. 31

3.         School Staff Appreciation Week - February 13-17, 2023 

School Staff Appreciation Week is an opportunity for parents/students to recognize the dedication and  

hard work of school staff: teachers, admin support, educational assistants, and custodians. Set up a small committee to brainstorm ways the school community can thank school staff. Remember to keep plans simple! 

4.         2023 Annual General Meeting 

The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation will celebrate its 70th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, April 15, 2023. All Home and School Associations are invited and welcome to attend, with each Association designating up to five as their voting delegates. AGM meeting details and registration documents will be circulated to presidents.  

5.         Annual President's Reports 

Presidents are to write their 2022-2023 Annual Report and submit to the Federation by Tues. Feb. 28. You can view annual reports online in the Annual Book of Reports at:  https://peihsf.ca/agm/

6.         Home and School Guardian Column  

The PEI Home and School Federation's monthly Home and School news column is written by Dionne Tuplin, President for The Guardian newspaper. The next column will be posted on Jan. 6 on our website https://peihsf.ca/news/ and social media platforms. 

Home and School News, November 2022

🍎 SIGN UP for FREE Volunteer Training Workshops

The Federation is hosting three in-person Home and School Training Workshops. Any parent, teacher, or student may attend! Workshops are designed to enhance Home and School effectiveness and parent engagement in public education. Register a.s.a.p

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.    Westisle Composite High School       Register by Nov. 4

Monday, Nov. 14, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.   Montague Intermediate School           Register by Nov.11

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.   Parkdale Elementary School               Register by Nov. 25

E-mail: peihsf@edu.pe.ca  or Phone: 902-620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664

No Cost.   Light refreshments will be provided.

🍎Reminder to pay 2022-2023 Membership Fees

Home and School Association Treasurers are reminded to submit 2022-2023 membership fees in November. Forms were mailed to Associations. As well, these can be accessed online.  

Contact the Federation office at: 1-800-916-0664 / 902-620-3186 / peihsf@edu.pe.ca

🍎 Playground Equipment Funding Program

If your school is seeking funding for the school playground, applications are available for the Playground Equipment Program at: Apply for the Playground Equipment Fund.

🍎 Parent Leadership Grants

Parent Leadership Project grants for up to $1,000 are available to Home and School Associations. Leadership projects are to focus on parent leadership and engagement in your school community.
Go to: 
https://peihsf.ca/grants.  Submission deadline: Nov. 30th

🍎 Recognition and Awards Programme 2023
PEIHSF’s awards recognize deserving individuals in school communities. The Federation’s 2023 Programme Begins with the Extra Mile Award to celebrate school staff personnel (i.e., educators, admin, custodians, EAs) with nominations due Jan. 20, 2023.   Find more online at PEIHSF Awards

November dates


Wrapping up the school year


Another school year is almost in the books. This year has seen its fair share of challenges, and our students, faculty, staff, and volunteers have prevailed over those obstacles. But, we’ve also found reasons to celebrate.


The Prince Edward Island Home and School Federation (PEIHSF) was honored to distribute 4 Extra Mile Awards to very deserving recipients in May and June: Pam MacLeod, resource teacher from Cardigan Elementary; Krista Bryson, music teacher from Three Oaks Senior High School in Summerside; Randy Reardon, principal from Englewood Consolidated School in Crapaud; and Bertha Hogan, education assistant from West Kent Elementary. You certainly exemplify going the extra mile for your students.


Through its resolution process, the federation requested the government in 2018 to return to an elected school board. On May 5, 2022, the provincial government amended the Education Act, fulfilling its commitment to reinstate an elected school board. For more information about the upcoming changes, go to https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/news/moving-forward-on-reinstating-an-elected-school-board



There are changes to how the P.E.I. School Food Program will collect meal orders until the end of the school year. Notices were sent to parents informing them, ensuring no disruption in getting lunches to the students. Read more at https://mailchi.mp/7aa05123ed17/ordering-now-open-7222849?e=d5c9a78e6c


The School Calendar for the 2022-2023 year is live and available for viewing. Go to https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/2022-2023-school-calendar for a copy.


Congratulations to all the graduates on Prince Edward Island, from elementary to high school, and all the best wishes as you start your new ventures. As we come together to celebrate our children, let’s hold close to our hearts and minds the families and community members of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.


As the school year draws to a close, now is a great time to consider electing new members to your home and school and/or parent council executives. June is also an excellent time to elect a new executive and board members to your Home and School Associations. Remember, all of our members are volunteers. Without you, nothing is possible. Stepping up to volunteer is a great way to give back and help make changes and improvements. Anyone who needs guidance on holding elections should contact the P.E.I. Home and School Federation office at 902-620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 /www.peihsf.ca.


As the weather gets warmer and the days longer, the summer is an excellent time for reading. Find summer reading ideas for students at community libraries and online at: https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/online-library-resources


Have a great summer, be safe, and we look forward to seeing you all for the 2022-2023 school year.

Home and School News, June 2022


1.         Elect new people to Home & School executive

Are you leaving your post as a Home & School executive member?  June is an excellent time to elect new executive and board members to your Home and School Associations.  If you need guidance to hold elections, contact the PEI Home and School Federation office at:  620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 / peihsf@edu.pe.ca


2.         Parent Engagement Project Reports

Reports for completed Home and School’s Parent Engagement Projects are due May 31st.


3.         School Calendar 2022-2023

Next year’s school calendar is posted online at:


 4.         Elected School Board

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation asked the government to return to an elected school board. On May 5/22, the provincial government made amendments to the Education Act fulfilling its commitment to reinstate an elected school board. https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/news/moving-forward-on-reinstating-an-elected-school-board


 5.         School Food Program

There are changes to how the PEI School Food Program will collects meal orders to the end of June at: REMINDER FROM PEI SCHOOL FOOD PROGRAM (mailchi.mp)

6.         Find Summer Reading ideas at your community Library

Summer Reading ideas for students can be found at a P.E.I. library in your community.  Find online resources online at:  https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/information/education-and-lifelong-learning/online-library-resources

 Community News

~ UPEI Health Centred Research Clinic is looking for participants in a survey to better understand what Islanders think of the COVID-19 vaccine and immunization program. The survey is available in English, French, Mandarin, Arabic, and Vietnamese and takes about 15-20 minutes to complete. All participants will have the opportunity to enter a draw for one of four $100 Walmart gift cards.

Link to survey: bit.ly/HCRC-PEI   Contact: Dr. William Montelpare (wmontelpare@upei.ca). This survey has been approved by the UPEI Research Ethics Board (researchcompliance@upei.ca


Home and School News, May 2022


1.       School Crossing Guard Award

Nominate a school crossing guard to receive recognition for keeping our children safe as they travel to and from school from September to June during school year.
NEW Submission date: Friday, May 13, 2022
More details at: http://peihsf.ca/crossing-guard-award

2.         School Bus Driver Award

Nominate a school bus driver to receive recognition for keeping our children safe as they travel to and from school from September to June during school year.
NEW Submission date: Friday, May 20, 2022
More details at: http://peihsf.ca/bus 

3.         Annual Meeting Feedback Request 

Delegates are invited to provide feedback about the 2022 Annual Meeting & Convention.
Click here for 2022 AGM FEEDBACK FORM 

4.         Annual Meeting 2022 Video

The PEI Home and School Federation 2022 Annual Meeting’s video is linked at on our website at:
https://peihsf.ca/agm/ or AGM VIDEO

5.         Welcome to Kindergarten
The 2022 Welcome to Kindergarten schedule is posted on the Public Schools Branch website at: https://edu.princeedwardisland.ca/psb/parents_students/wtk-sessions/


Other community news

  • YMCA Summer Work Student Exchange (SWSE), a national program offering opportunities for youth (16-17 years old) to improve their second official language skills, explore another part of Canada, and gain valuable work experience. This program is funded by Department of Canadian Heritage, and offered at a minimal cost of $125.  Contact:  Chuan.Liu@YMCAGTA.ORG or  902-314-5323.

P.E.I. Home and School Federation
69th Annual Meeting & Convention
2022 Agenda & Registration Information


REGISTER ONLINE (clickable link)  by Sunday, April 10/22 and your name will be entered into the Early Bird Draw for an overnight stay at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel on Friday evening, April 22, 2022.


Date:   Saturday, April 23, 2022

Time:   8:45 a.m. – 1:10 p.m.

Place:  In-person at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown

Fee:     Registration fee, $40 per person



- Business Meeting

- Resolutions

- Awards

- Elections

- Forum followed by Group Discussion

- Followed by the Rodd’s signature Buffet Luncheon



- Truth and Reconciliation

- Mental Wellness

- Elected School Board

- Evolution of Home and School



  • Senator Brian Francis, Member of the Senate of Canada will speak about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister Education and Lifelong Learning
  • Hon. Antionette Perry, Lieutenant Governor

.More TBA


WHO CAN ATTEND?  Parents/guardians, administrators, teachers, school staff, and students can attend. Extend the invitation to everyone in your school community by posting on social media. Associations are encouraged to pay registration fees, travel and accommodation expenses for your delegates to reduce barriers to attending.


Need more info? Call: 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 / peihsf@edu.pe.ca 

PEIHSF AGM 2022 Registration - Google Forms

April 2022


69th PEI Home and School Federation’s Annual General Meeting & Convention

Date:   Saturday, April 23, 2022

Time:   8:45 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Place:  In-person at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, Charlottetown

Fee:     Registration fee = $40 pp

Extend the invitation to everyone in your school community. Post on social media platforms. Parents/guardians, administrators, teachers, school staff, and students are invited to attend. Associations are encouraged to pay registration fees, travel and accommodation expenses for your delegates to reduce barriers to attending.
Need more info? Call: 620-3186 / 1-800-916-0664 / peihsf@edu.pe.ca

REGISTER by:  April 14/22.

Topics: Truth and Reconciliation, Mental Wellness, Elected School Board, Evolution of Home and School. Speakers: Senator Brian Francis, Member of the Canadian Senate, Hon. Natalie Jameson, Minister Education and Lifelong Learning, Hon. Antionette Perry, Lt. Governor 
.More TBA
Click here for draft agenda


3.         RESOLUTIONS

Resolutions are voted on at the Annual General Meeting.  Home and Schools re asked to review and vote on the 2022 proposed resolutions at a local

meeting. Each Home and School’s AGM voting delegates should reflect the opinions of the parents, guardians, teachers, and staff in your

school. Review Resolution: School Bus Monitors.  There is time to write and submit a late resolution on an emerging issue. The pandemic caused a delay

in submitting resolutions. LATE resolutions may be submitted up to 7 days before the AGM.



~ School Crossing Guard of the Year Award recognizes a school crossing guard on PEI for their service in keeping our walking students safe. Submit nominations by: April 23, 2022.

~ School Bus Driver of the Year Award recognizes school bus drivers on PEI for their service in keeping our students safe as they travel to and from school each day.  Submit nominations by: May 10, 2022.

The ‘Welcome to Kindergarten Program’ (WTK) is designed to help prepare preschoolers for a positive start to their school journey. Parents and their children will attend spring WTK orientation sessions at local schools where they receive early learning and literacy resources and learn how to use them at home. Find your school’s WTK session date on the Public Schools Branch website  


Community News

 - SunSense, a program of the Canadian Cancer Society, is pleased to share that The Canadian Cancer Society has launched SunSense nationally.  SunSense supports our elementary schools to create sun safe environments that reduce the risk of skin cancer. Visit sunsense.ca to learn more about free tools and resources for teachers and how you can become a SunSense Certified school. These include UV bracelets, lesson plans, posters, a shade planning guide, policy toolkit and much more!

~ Bricks for Kids Grand Opening Event, April 23, 2022, 11am-4 pm. Help us celebrate the opening of our brand new home, jointly provided by STEAM PEI and Ulnooweg Education Centre. We proudly inspire youth through learning experiences in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM). Join us for a day of hands-on, family friendly, Earth-day themed activities and programs with special guests such as Mi’gmaq author, Brandon Mitchell. Brandon will be joining us for a book signing of his recently released graphic novel, Giju’s Gift! Of course, there will be food and cake too! Located on the ground level of the Epekwitk Assembly of Councils Building in Downtown Charlottetown at 8 Stan MacPherson Way Contact: Amber Jadis amber@steampei.com

~ C.A.R.E. Parenting Program An organization working to support parents in Canada, a C.A.R.E. hands-on workshop presented by Dr. Tina Montreuil and Rayna Edels for parents, foster parents, adoptive parents and caregivers will be held virtually on May 17th 2022. Registration is $20 per person and is now open: here! It is a manual-based program aimed at improving child emotion regulation and well-being by improving parent emotion regulation abilities and increasing the use of positive parent emotion socialization practices. This workshop is taking place in the context of the 2022 Child and Youth Trauma Symposium


March, 2022


Taking time to say thanks

Federation recognizes efforts of those helping P.E.I. students to learn safely


Sometimes, it’s important to just stop and say thank you. In the spirit of Teacher/ Staff Appreciation Week, the P.E.I. Home and School Federation made a presentation to the Chief Public Health Office, the Public Schools Branch and the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning for going to incredible lengths during the COVID-19 pandemic in helping students continue learning and ensuring their safety in Prince Edward Island schools.

Local Home and Schools had to adjust their annual Teacher /Staff Appreciation week’s activities, using creativity and additional support during this week of appreciation. The Federation looks forward to recognizing school staff with the Extra Mile Award in schools across PEI this spring.

From its beginnings to the present day, the P.E.I. Home and School Federation has focused on the well-being and educational success of P.E.I. children. The 69th Annual Meeting is set for April 23, hosted in person at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel. Parents, guardians, principals, students and school staff are invited to register.

While each member Home and School is limited to five voting delegates, there is no limit to the number of attendees otherwise from each school. The greater the attendance, the richer the discussions. Local presidents/co-chairs are to submit annual reports to the Federation office.  Report and registration details are available online at: https://peihsf.ca/agm.

Each year at the Annual Meeting & Convention, a Home and School volunteer is recognized for volunteer efforts in their local school with the Steve McQuaid Volunteer of the Year award. Life Membership is also considered annually, but recognition will not necessarily be made every year. Home and Schools are to review award criteria and submit nominations by March 18. Access nomination information online at: https://peihsf.ca/agm.  

The work and care of many important people in our communities goes into making schools safe and caring places for our children and recognizing this work is one of the best parts of our job.  Parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, staff, and it’s important to recognize this work. Parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, staff and members of the community at-large may, through their local Home and School Associations, nominate school crossing guards and school bus drivers for one of the Federation’s special recognition awards.  Nominations for the School Crossing Guard of the Year Award are due on April 25. Nominations for the School Bus Driver of the Year Award are due on May 6.

How can you support P.E.I.’s school bus drivers, who do their utmost to keep students safe? Pay attention when driving and put phones away. Motorists across P.E.I. are continuing to pass school buses while their red lights are flashing.  Slow down when you see flashing amber lights and prepare to stop. When red lights are flashing, motorists must make a complete stop no fewer than six meters (20 feet) from the bus. It is illegal and dangerous to pass a bus when lights are flashing.

1.       69th Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar!  You are invited to attend the 69th Annual Meeting & Convention, Saturday, April 23, 2022 at the Rodd Charlottetown Hotel, 75 Kent St. Charlottetown.  Home and School Associations may appoint up to five voting delegates to represent their school with all parents, educators/school staff and students welcome to attend.  Speaker registration details will be circulated to presidents asking them to forward to their local school communities.

2.         Annual Reports Due

Submit your President’s Annual Report by March 4th.  All reports will be included in the Federation’s AGM Book of Reports. E-mail reports in a word doc or paste in email message to: peihsf@edu.pe.ca  

3.         Board of Directors Nominations

The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is the umbrella organization of Home and Schools across P.E.I., and is overseen by a volunteer board elected by delegates from member Home and Schools. Every year at the annual meeting elections are held for vacant positions on the board, and members are encouraged to nominate candidates who, in your opinion, have the necessary qualifications to do the work of the provincial Federation. Access the 2022 Nomination Form here.

4.         Volunteer / Life Membership Awards

A Home and School volunteer is recognized annually for their efforts in their local school with the Steve McQuaid Volunteer of the Year Award.  A Home and School Life Member is someone who has contributed both locally and provincially.  You are invited to review awards’ criteria and submit nominations by March 18.  Review nomination information here.

5.         School Calendar 2022-2023

Changes to School Calendar Support Canada Winter Games: The 2022/23 school calendar is now available. Next year’s calendar is similar to other years, with the major changes being the date of Winter Wellness Day, a return to having a School Goals Day in September, and a two week stretch without classes in February to support the Canada Winter Games. The 2022/23 school calendar has 195 total school days, the same as this year, and there are 179 instructional days.